Thursday, February 6, 2020

Physics conclusion page Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Physics conclusion page - Essay Example Additionally, both the graphs T2 = SM + I and F = - Kx have straight lines, though the latter has a y intercept I. Hence, the two constants slightly bear small difference owing to the initial having a deviation of I. The experiment’s deductions depict that, for one motion cycle T2 varies directly with both the mass and the springs constant. That is especially when there is any addition of the mass, which produces a similar quantity both the spring constant and T2. In addition, the T2 varies directly with the mass but inversely proportional to the string constant, K. Velocity does not depend on the mass applied, since the amplitude is constant all throughout, which implies a reduction in both the extension and potential energy (PE), but the Time Period increases. Maintaining all other factors constant except the acceleration, it yields to the increased potential energy, velocity as well as kinetic energy. However, this phenomenon reduces the Time Period (Brazell et al

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