Saturday, January 4, 2020

Symbols And Motifs Of F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great...

Part I: Symbols/ Motifs F. Scott Fitzgerald uses color as a way to describe in more detail. Some of the main colors are green, grey, white, silver and gold.The color green is one of the most prominent and detailed symbols in the book. Gatsby sees the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock as the distance between him and Daisy, along with what he hopes and aspires for in the future. In the literal sense, the color green also represents his craving for money and vanity of the Roaring Twenties in New York City. Many other events and characteristics in the book are also represented as â€Å"green†. The color grey is used to show how sometimes behind all the wealth, there is still an emptiness in many lives of those who are extremely wealthy. Also it displays things that are not seen to Gatsby as important. For example, â€Å"The grey windows disappeared.† (P. 91). White in the Great Gatsby shows wealth and the perfectness of the life in the Roaring Twenties. As for silver and gold they are much alike because they both display wealth, but gold also displays happiness, prosperity and richness, of course. Part II: Dreams and Allusions Jay Gatsby acquired his wealth through hard work. Also one of his best traits is that he has great determination, meaning when he wants something he works hard to get it. For instance, his love for Daisy Buchman, made him become money hungry to be in her world. Once he was exposed to her world he changed into the person that he is perceived as in the durationShow MoreRelatedThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1002 Words   |  5 PagesHonors American Literature 11 17 May 2016 The Great Gatsby: Analytical Essay The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a powerful story about the history of the roaring 1920’s. Fitzgerald uses different intellectual techniques of writing to captivate a completely new meaning to the prohibition era. 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