Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chained A Contracts Financial Accelerators -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Chained A Contracts Financial Accelerators? Answer: Introduction The report is prepared to focus on the major concepts of globalization and international business considering various business organizations present in Australia. The topic will illustrate the globalization concept in details and evaluate the ways by which international business can be managed. The focus though will be on how the globalization can create an impact on the international business and furthermore allow the companies to sustain in the competitive business environment in the future (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2012). Concept of globalization The concept of globalization is actually the changes done for managing business globally and moving beyond boundaries, i.e., from the self contained nations to a more competitive business environment. The changes managed by a business help in operating in the home country as well as in the foreign countries by penetrating the foreign market segments and allowing to fulfill the needs and requirements of more people worldwide. There are two types of impacts created by globalization including the market globalization and production globalization. The market globalization allowed for overcoming the barriers and managed selling of products and services outside the home country (Baylis, Owens Smith, 2017). The lower tariffs would keep the prices of products and services lowered, which could also overcome the restrictions of cross border trade activities and maintain good cultural aspects too. Cultural differences could be a major barrier, so it must be overcome as well to enter the foreig n markets and respect the cultures for developing useful marketing strategies. This would deliver proper marketing messages to target the most important foreign market segments and ensure that the products and services were delivered properly to the customer (Wild, Wild Han, 2014). Many business organizations in Australia have managed trade relations with other countries through reduction of costs incurred during the transportation and communication activities. The communication process is facilitated as well as the barriers to flow of goods and services have been reduced largely to manage international business. Globalization considers the changes in economic, social, cultural, political, technological factors to manage businesses across borders and this enhanced the profit level of the companies by driving the sales through acquisition of more customers (Kumar, Mudambi Gray, 2013). Importance of international business The international business management is a slightly different concept than that of globalization, were trade related barriers resulting due to cultural differences are overcome. International business is managed by popular companies in Australia like Woolworths, Coles, etc. by involving exporting the products and services to other countries, managing the licensing procedures and even working as joint ventures. Few organisatons within the food and retail sector like McDonalds has also opened new branches for managing the production and distribution of products and services in the international markets and ensured proper managerial services provided t the companies present in the host country. The international business brings immense benefits for the business organizations like large scale operations are conducted along with integration of economies with many countries all over the world (Piekkari, Welch Welch, 2014). The cultures of different places are understood and adapted too, w hich creates enough scopes and opportunities for the organisation to sustain in the competitive business environment. One of the major benefits is the large scale operations managed during the international business, which allows for enhancing the marketing and production capabilities too. The goods and services are produced in large numbers, while the surplus is exported to the outside countries for gaining more customers and increased sales revenue in business. The international business management integrates the global economies and the financial and human resources of one country are used for another country. The international business management has also benefited the participating countries through rapid advancement in technological aspects and industrialization (Trudgen Freeman, 2014). It has not only improved the sales revenue but also has resulted in the growth in economy of the country as well. The science and technology have been facilitated with the international business management and this has enhanced the production level and ensured successful global business. International business creates certain issues as well including restrictions during the inward and outward flow of cash, technological components and products. The Government and regulatory bodies also prevent international business management by creating trade blocks, putting restrictions on foreign exchange rates, which can degrade the business performance globally. Due to the sensitive nature of the international business, it is important to conduct market researches and identify the changes that are needed to be done and adapted to (Deresky, 2017). Impact of globalization on international business The globalization has created huge impact on the management of international business for the Australian companies. The international business involves various business activities that have been managed across the international borders to draw in more customers and enhance the profit level of the organisation. Globalization has often created problems not only for the business but also kept the staffs of the organizations unsatisfied by paying lower wages and putting more migrants in the poor countries. The lower rate of interest and inflation rate also could be a major problem despite the growth and success in business from the global business perspective (Ueda, 2012). By enabling globalization, investments are done on a rapid scale to enter the foreign markets, which can improve the growth in economy of the country as well. The globalization also impacts the business organizations by improving the capabilities and exposing the companies to the global forces related to the supply and demands in the international markets. Not only the business is impacted, but also the various stakeholders involved in business are also affected. The business organizations, if do not adapt to the global factors, will face difficulty in managing international business and even struggle to survive in the global competitive business environment with ease and effectiveness. Coping up with the changes in global circumstances could help in transforming the global opportunities into useful strategies to controlling the environmental threats and ensure successful business functioning (Wild, Wild Han, 2014). There are multiple positive effects created on the international business that have resulted from globalization. The production of products and services has improved in various markets all over the world and allowed the companies to gain accessibility to the foreign products and services delivered to the customers (Savrul, Incekara Sener, 2014). With the globalization creating positive impact on the international business, financial markets from all over the world have emerged, which has created enough scopes for managing external financing and could keep the shareholders who made investments for managing the international business satisfied as well. The global markets have been studied with ease and the freedom for exchanging capital and goods is measured as well. Political globalization is enabled by managing good relationships between the nations where the business is expanded to guarantee successful international business (Kose, Otrok Prasad, 2012). The cultures of different pl aces where the business is done have been understood, which has allowed the customers in that place to enjoy the new foreign products that have been exported to the respective countries. With the international cooperation arising due to the international business management facilitated by globalization, the environmental challenges could be handled properly like changes in climatic conditions and prevention of cross boundary air and water pollution too. Industrialization would be possible along with better transportation facilities, which could even reduce the travelling time and transportation costs (Gabrielsson Gabrielsson, 2013). International business and globalization future Foreign direct investments made could bring enormous benefits for the host country with advancement in technologies, providing more employment opportunities to people and enhancing the income level of the workers too. FDI also transferred technology from the developed country to the countries that are developing in the recent period. Training would also be provided to the local workers for making them obtain the skills, knowledge and expertise to perform within the global business environment and perform to their potential. This would improve the management skills as well as improve the performance of the companies that are expected to expand business globally, furthermore contribute to the growth in economy of the host country too (Liang, Ren Sun, 2015). It would be easy to become accustomed with the culture of a different nation, which could enable good communication style and furthermore improve the production and delivery of products and services in the foreign markets in the fu ture. The international business has transformed the entire way by which business is conducted and it has created a positive impact on the globalization too (Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2012). Conclusion The report focused on the different aspects of globalization and its impact on the international business. The globalization helped many companies in Australia to start international business with ease and even allowed to enter foreign markets to attract more customers and generate better sales revenue. This could allow the companies to gain competitive advantage in business as well as manage good trade relations between the two nations, furthermore would contribute to the growth in economy of the host country. The impact of globalization had been huge because it brought people and businesses together and even contributed to the growth in economy of the countries where the businesses were managed globally. The merchandise and service related industries were hugely benefitted based on the international business transactions that helped the company to stay ahead in the competition within the foreign market conditions. The international brands like McDonalds, Coca Cola and other compani es were highly benefited with the globalizations impact on the management of international business too. 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Pearson Education Limited.

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